
TinyDB is a lightweight document oriented database optimized for your happiness 🙂 It’s written in pure Python and has no external dependencies. Example Code >>> from tinydb import TinyDB, Query >>> db = TinyDB(‘/path/to/db.json’) >>> db.insert({‘int’: 1, ‘char’: ‘a’}) >>> db.insert({‘int’: 1, ‘char’: ‘b’}) Query Language >>> User = Query() >>> # Search for a …


usbrip (inherited from “USB Ripper”, not “USB R.I.P.”) is a simple forensics tool with command line interface that lets you keep track of USB device artifacts (i.e., USB event history) on Linux machines. https://github.com/snovvcrash/usbrip usbrip is a small piece of software which analyzes Linux log data: journalctl output or contents of /var/log/syslog* (/var/log/messages*) files. Based …

How to Upgrade containers with docker-compose?

Another question is how to upgrade to the latest version of nginx or wordpress docker images in our deployment. Since all user data is outside the containers, we can easily delete the containers and re-create them to upgrade our installation. https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/wordpress-with-docker-compose/ docker-compose down docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d