Code Syntax Block

docker-compose up -d
 Creating network "wordpress_app-network" with driver "bridge"
 Creating network "wordpress_default" with the default driver
 Pulling db (mysql:8.0)…
 8.0: Pulling from library/mysql
 a076a628af6f: Pull complete
 f6c208f3f991: Pull complete
 88a9455a9165: Pull complete
 406c9b8427c6: Pull complete
 7c88599c0b25: Pull complete
 25b5c6debdaf: Pull complete
 43a5816f1617: Pull complete
 1a8c919e89bf: Pull complete
 9f3cf4bd1a07: Pull complete
 80539cea118d: Pull complete
 201b3cad54ce: Pull complete
 944ba37e1c06: Pull complete
 Digest: sha256:feada149cb8ff54eade1336da7c1d080c4a1c7ed82b5e320efb5beebed85ae8c
 Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:8.0
 Pulling wordpress (wordpress:php7.3-fpm-alpine)…
 php7.3-fpm-alpine: Pulling from library/wordpress
 4c0d98bf9879: Already exists
 ed03eff2d636: Already exists
 fa67667da1de: Already exists
 6961b2fabe93: Already exists
 498fe07e0f8a: Pull complete
 147460bbbd9b: Pull complete
 8885930dac6c: Pull complete
 ce285f7d484c: Pull complete
 d697d2ff50e2: Pull complete
 b19a07854ae1: Pull complete
 6b03587710a7: Pull complete
 97f7f5de7f5a: Pull complete
 62c4acafe9b4: Pull complete
 8c496551655c: Pull complete
 b9aa1a307678: Pull complete
 cd225f76bb67: Pull complete
 Digest: sha256:24519d3439393458dd4c80961ad8a42b51b262ef81bbf3d73d5fe12effc2095a
 Status: Downloaded newer image for wordpress:php7.3-fpm-alpine
 Pulling webserver (nginx:1.15.12-alpine)…
 1.15.12-alpine: Pulling from library/nginx
 e7c96db7181b: Pull complete
 264026bbe255: Pull complete
 a71634c55d29: Pull complete
 5595887beb81: Pull complete
 Digest: sha256:57a226fb6ab6823027c0704a9346a890ffb0cacde06bc19bbc234c8720673555
 Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:1.15.12-alpine
 Pulling certbot (certbot/certbot:)…
 latest: Pulling from certbot/certbot
 801bfaa63ef2: Pull complete
 7678dd7631a2: Pull complete
 4c6139ab40d8: Pull complete
 ff5ef8cd8062: Pull complete
 cefde9442c97: Pull complete
 75077d3d5c26: Pull complete
 5f56a95649c4: Pull complete
 70db9e70bd0b: Pull complete
 1369e8589892: Pull complete
 a00c3b290f52: Pull complete
 4c657d1c5eac: Pull complete
 8410fa093244: Pull complete
 f6479610343a: Pull complete
 dcb91cb8d361: Pull complete
 Digest: sha256:9867da9d3345444b37bf2edc8126f04bf1fc093d693edf5555103c04fd71ba49
 Status: Downloaded newer image for certbot/certbot:latest
 Creating db … done
 Creating wordpress … done
 Creating webserver … done
 Creating certbot   … done

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